“I genuinely cannot see that I have anything interesting or the expertise that would interest others”
Does this sound like something you’d say? It is not false modesty. It is a real perspective of many accomplished women. It tells a story of not fully realising your own skill and ability.
It also explains why many amazing women, like you, are not visible. Does it explain why you aren’t achieving your own potential. Is this why people don’t know how incredible you are? Are you uncomfortable believing that you are actually incredible or even just good at what you do? Let me guess, you put some of your success down to luck. Yeah, thought so!
Maybe you’re attributing your ‘held back’ state to imposter syndrome, unconscious bias or a rubbish work environment. They’re real but can be used as excuses. Some people don’t want to give what it takes but it’s not in your nature to do excuses. You know you need to step up, get rid of the doubt and get out of your own way but til now you haven’t had the tool-kit to do it.
You know you can’t be and do everything. BUT you are choosing what you don’t do as much as what you do. It’s your decision. Is it time to stop being over-looked?
Imagine if you could manage that self-doubt and claim your own accomplishments so you feel able to share your perspective with the world. What if you felt not just able to make an impact but actually excited to sharing your expertise with the world!
You’re really good at what you do, right? So why are you not sharing your expertise with the world? And why didn’t anyone tell you that, you’d be the one holding yourself back – duh!
Let me guess, getting things done the right way is what actually lights you up. It’s easy for you to sift through the nitty gritty, work through it tirelessly and tenaciously deliver the resolution. You’re probably a perfectionist. You look for a win-win in negotiations which sadly can mean you lose in the long run. You know so much about your subject, you can chat for hours about it (or until others fall asleep!). You have learned that others don’t find it so interesting.
I’m with you on that, if you get me talking about one of my subjects I have to remember that not everybody is as enlivened by them as me 😊
But I’m guessing that what doesn’t light you up is the fact that this isn’t delivering the results you want for yourself or your organisation…no judgement!
Because the lack of results …ISN’T YOUR FAULT!
No matter how expert or hard-working you are, there’s a good chance you didn’t get the step-by-step proven process to become more visible to fulfil your ambitions and achieve real-world success with the fundamental systems and processes that you NEED to feel confident in sharing your expertise on a wider scale.
Am I right?
I get it. Because I’ve been in that place where I believed I didn’t have anything to offer and didn’t trust or feel confident in myself. And, I’ve seen so many talented women not be able to see what they have to offer, it astonishes and pains me each time I see it. BUT hold on … you don’t particularly want to be visible, you just want to contribute. Plus, being visible is all about slicked-back hair, being shouty and leaving your scruples at home. And, there’s nothing worse you can think of! It’s ok, take a breath… visibility comes in many forms and there is no need to abandon your principles and values in the process. Indeed quite the opposite, you will be differentiating yourself through your integrity and value-driven approach. Integrity alone would warrant your input but you’ve so much more.
And now, I help women get out of their own way to share their gifts and expertise with the world. That lights me up.
Did I mention I’ve 3 pre-schoolers and a husband to manage too!
When I think about my own challenges and the women I help, it shocks me that these talented capable women can’t see their worth and how they fit into the wider world crying out for their contribution. I don’t want ANYONE to doubt their ability. I know the pain and hopelessness that creates.
So, I’ve put together all my secrets into a new programme tailored for ambitious women who genuinely don’t know how to fulfil their potential.
Exploring your vision
Figure out what’s required
Smooth transition into visibility, no need to change personality
Demonstrate what you can do and be recognised and rewarded for it
Expand your reach. Know, meet, work with the best.
Develop strength and resilience to stay the course.
Set your goals, plan the way ahead, take action.
Investment: £2,497
Be Visible is a flexible programme as we understand that that you are an individual and may have specific requirements
So, you feel confident and capable of being going for bigger opportunites.
Hello! If you're not able to find what you need, drop Fiona a note on Fiona@KearnsConsultancy.com