Wondering why you're not getting the big opportunities? If you are a senior leader who wants the Confidence, Self-belief & Credibility to feel comfortable going for bigger opportunities in 90 days, CEO confident is the programme for you.
You want to do the work you love, get recognised for your results, and make a big impact at the top?
Without, working longer hours, becoming flashy/fake, or sacrificing your whole personal life.
You can. BUT you need to learn a new skillset.
So, you feel confident and capable of being going for bigger opportunites.
It's incredibly hard to put on a brave face as you watch someone else take the job you want. I've been there myself. It’s soul-destroying.
For me, I'd run myself into the ground. My confidence and self-belief was on the floor. I wasn't acting like a leader. No-one knew about the incredible work I was doing. And, I was putting my energy into all the wrong things but I’d no clue at the time.
Far too many women miss out on senior roles because they’re not adopting the right behaviours and worse are continuing with actions that used to work but now hold them back. It's not pretty. And, I'm tired of seeing really capable women miss out.
This is exactly why, with my hard-earned experience and Business Psychology qualifications, I created the CEO Confident programme to show you the steps you need to take to feel confident and capable to go for much bigger opportunites.
Imagine if you didn't overanalyse things, procrastinate and hold back. Imagine speaking your own truth, making the impact you want and creating a legacy worthy of you.
Picture yourself doing the things you love, earning the money you want and having time for what you want.
You can have that.
You don't need permission to do it or to feel guilty about it.
You just need the right tools so you can feel confident and capable of going for the bigger roles.
CEO Confident has the tools you need.
You may be sceptical about what you can achieve in this programme because you're already doing lots of things right. You're stretching yourself by networking, working hard and you manage your team brilliantly. Afterall, you've already achieved lots of success. BUT what you got you here won't take you any further.
You've tried doing it yourself already. You know it's not working. You know you can't work any harder or change your personality. So what next?
Keep banging your head against a brick wall? You'll be exactly where you are now. Frustrated, tired and resentful. (Maybe it's time to let the old ways dies?)
Is that the future you want for yourself. The time is now. The choice is yours. CEO Confident has the tools you need.
Get clarity what you want based on your values and goals so you've an implementable strategy.
Understand the impact of your leadership style and develop your skills for optimal impact.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Understand and develop your own identity and voice as a senior leader. Learn the skills to speak influentially at meetings and to groups. Learn how to share your success in a real and effective way.
Managing stakeholders and power plays is a fundamental part of being a top leader. You can do this with integrity and fairness. Indeed, it's lots of fun creating strategies for it.
CEO Confident is a flexible coaching programme delivered online to meet your specific requirements.
Joining this programme is a committment and I really want to recognise you for that.
Limited Places: Only a small number of spaces open up monthly
What will happen if you stay stuck? Couldn't you easily make this back several times over with a raise or a sales surge? Are you ready to go for it?
Apply to join programme
Here's what included:
CEO Confident is a select access programme with limited availability. If you are not determined to make a change and prepared to follow through with action, it won't work for you.
Here's what included:
Bonus Items
Here's what included:
Bonus Items
Don't wait around hoping things will get better by themselves - you've already tried that and it doesn't work, does it?
I know you are a lover of knowledge and keen to learn more about yourself. It is so enlightening to learn about aspects of ourselves to better understand ourselves and how we interact with others. Because of this, I'm including a Psychometric Assessment, all backed by science and data into the programme for you. You receive a copy of the report, a feedback session and more insight on yourself.
Value: £347
Yes, when you apply the action to each step, you will.
Together, we focus on your goals and I work with you every step of the way.
You can pay in installments
Advance payments accrue a discount
Launched her business
An introvert that now speaks to groups
Got clarity to get her specific goals
Learn the skills to feel confident and capable of going for bigger opportunities. Speak with Fiona to find out if this programme would be right for you.
Hello! If you're not able to find what you need, drop Fiona a note on Fiona@KearnsConsultancy.com